ECVET is a common methodological framework that facilitates the accumulation and transfer of credits for learning outcomes from one qualifications system to another. It aims to promote transnational mobility and access to lifelong learning. It is not intended to replace national qualification systems, but to achieve better comparability and compatibility among them. ECVET applies to all outcomes obtained by an individual from various education and training pathways that are then transferred, recognised and accumulated in view of achieving a qualification. This initiative makes it easier for European citizens to gain recognition of their training, skills and knowledge in another Member State.
MLEARN consortium is commited in developing all the training activities using the ECVET system and this is why we belive it is important to share ECVET information woth our end users.
Below you will find a set of downladable resources to understand more the ECVET concept:
BeTWIN Methodological Guide 2010 - download pdf
BeTWIN Toolkit for trainers - download pdf
ECVET - Glossary of Terms - download pdf
ECVET - Support - download pdf
ECVET Tool Box - Memorandum of Understanding - open link