
Field research

This report has been produced by the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University for the MLEARN project, to support the development of a training programme for in-service teachers focusing on mobile learning through appropriate pedagogic uses of mobile or handheld technologies. The MLEARN project, a European Union (EU)-funded project, will explore and promote teacher development of mobile learning practices in four member states – The Netherlands, the UK (England), Greece and Italy.To support this development, a training needs analysis has been conducted and completed by the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University. For this training needs analysis, two target groups were involved: 1) trainers and partners in each country; and 2) teachers to be involved in the training. Four countries were involved, where there were known to be substantial differences in terms of handheld devices’ acceptance within teaching practices, and resources in place to implement mobile learning initiatives and other activities. The survey was devised, using findings from the previous background report (Passey & Zozimo, 2014). Two forms of a questionnaire were produced, one for partners and trainers (see Appendix A) and one for teachers (see Appendix B).

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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