


MLEARN is an innovative project, the first of its kind in delivering accredited teacher training programmes on mlearning within mainstream education for primary, secondary and special schools. Adhoc projects work with single schools on specific project work, many outside of the mainstream. 

Skills gaps identified within teacher training (initial teacher training and in-service training / (CPD)) provide our innovation baseline. Innovation includes new products, a new way to learn (for teachers and pupils) and new potential in harnessing the latest mobile technologies for learning purposes. Innovation includes a model to promote ongoing cascading of new ICT skills within schools supported with formal recognition / accreditation of their new skills within initial teacher training and in-service training/CPD so sustaining the learning within mainstream education. MLEARN moves away from adhoc project based use of handhelds relying on individual teachers’ own passions and skills towards a more strategic and sustainable model focusing teachers’ learning on:

  • using handheld technologies across all subject areas, at all levels of ability
  • levels of learning within mainstream schools so creating huge potential for learning to be more personalised, inclusive, extended beyond the classroom and providing more independent learning. 


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Lifelong Learning
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