

The first setp is to produce an initial desk research report which can be used immediately from early within the project to raise awareness of the gap in teacher training and the need for this, targeting head teachers and decision and policy makers in teacher training organisations and those responsible for education in schools at local, regional and national levels. Four countries will be involved: UK, Netherlands, Italy and Greece.

Desk research will be undertaken in each country to assess what is currently available and where, and identify any best practice. The desk research will include an analysis of the latest reports on the use of handheld technologies in the classroom produced for UNESCO, NESTA and the EC as identified in the main body of this application, with recommendations from the University of Lancaster.
Please find the report here: download pdf.

This research will then be followed by two further phases taking place as part of the training needs analysis. 

  • To undertake initial desk and consultative research with regard to what teachers believe are their real training needs to enable and empower them to use mobile technologies in and outside of the classroom to support the mainstream curriculum, to influence the design of the training programmes for teachers. 
  • To continue the research during the teacher training pilots in the schools by the expert trainers to produce further evidence of the impact on teachers and their pupils, to add weight to the argument for mainstreaming the use of mobile technologies in schools and mainstream education. 

Using the results from the training needs analysis, we will develop the final training programme content for:

  • The 5 day expert training programme to be developed into the Comenius in service training programme to support ongoing sustainability and impact (July 2014 for experts, June 2015 for submission to Comenius in service training) 
  • The teacher training programme to be embedded into each initial teacher training programme in each partner country to enable them to use handheld technologies across the curriculum (available in first format September 2014, reviewed for final version to be produced September 2015)  
  • The in-service training / continuous professional development programme (CPD) to be offered to teachers across primary, secondary and special schools to enable them to use handheld technologies across the curriculum ((available in first format September 2014, reviewed for final version to be produced September 2015)  





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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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